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Kit Lykketoft

Director of Conventions Wonderful Copenhagen

Kit Lykketoft is since 2017 the Director of the Copenhagen Convention Bureau. Here she works to attract international association conferences, meetings and events. Kit is focused on legacy and added value of congresses and events.

Sustainability is very high on Kit´s agenda and a long-time Copenhagen stronghold. AI and how it can positively support a positive change has her attention.

Kit has a background from working both nationally and internationally with government administrations and international organisations applying design and user-focused processes to drive innovation and change.

Kit is part of the Strategic Alliance of National European Conventions Bureaus, a member of the PCMA EMEA Advisory Board and a board member of BestCities Global Alliance.

Kit holds an MA from the University of Copenhagen and an Exe Specialised Master in change from HEC Paris/Said Business School Oxford.