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​​Françoise Guaspare

Senior policy advisor Ile-de-France Europe

After having worked at the Île-de-France Region’s Vice-president’s cabinet on transport for 9 years, Françoise Guaspare has been in charge of transport and tourism at the permanent representation of the Paris/Île-de-France Region in Brussels since 2008.

Françoise has always been involved in producing positions in transport/tourism policy on behalf of the European Regions and supports the implementation of several European projects by providing strategic advising.

She is Vice-President of NECSTouR, the Network of European Regions for a sustainable and competitive tourism.

She works closely with the Ile-de-France Region and its agency ‘Choose Paris Region’ which connects visitors and stakeholders in the tourist industry to promote and develop Paris Ile-de-France’s attractiveness.

She is one of the 14 expert members of the Mission on ‘ClimateNeutral & Smart-Cities board, rapporteur of the board and co lead the multilevel governance Working group.