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Andrea Guizzardi

Prof. in Business Statistics Dept. of Stat. Sc. Bologna University

Andrea Guizzardi, Ph.D. in Business Statistics, is a professor at the University of Bologna, holding joint appointments in the Statistics Department and the Center for Advanced Studies in Tourism (CAST).

He has published nearly 100 scientific papers proposing and applying statistical and AI algorithms for forecasting and measuring the competitiveness of firms and destinations, with a recent focus on the impact of climate change. He has established partnerships with various enterprises and institutions, leading to the development of new tools for strategic decision-making leveraging the digital footprints left by consumers and businesses.

In 2023, he was appointed President of the Clust-ER Tourism and Territory in Emilia-Romagna.

He also directs a Continuous Learning Program and co-directs observatories on business travel and digital tourism.