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event22 November nest_clock_farsight_analog12:00pm-12:50pm pin_drop Hall #6 language Italian

Smart Destinations, Between Myth and Reality. Do They Really Exist? European Policies and Best Practices Between Reality and Fantasy

There is a lot of talk about Smart City and Smart Destination, but what does it really mean to be a ‘smart’ city and destination?

Which intelligences make destinations really suitable for travelers attentive to these issues, and which services improve and simplify the visit by reducing the negative feedback too often generated by the lack of or total absence of information?

The panel will host a round table to discover Europe’s Smart Destinations, trying to understand how initiatives such as the Transition Pathway for Tourism can help to improve practices, launch new challenges and offer opportunities thanks to European lines and funds such as the European Territorial Cooperation programmes, the European Partnerships for Modernisation dedicated to Tourism (S3), the European Cooperation Programme for Sustainable Urban Development and the Community for Cultural and Creative Industries.

A valuable opportunity to share insights and results with a specific focus on digitization and the need to better develop these new skills, a theme particularly under scrutiny this year, as it is the European Year of Skills.

Simone d’Antonio

URBACT Lead Expert

Marta Domènech Tomàs

Directorate general for Tourism of the Government of Catalonia Director general of Tourism

​​Françoise Guaspare

Ile-de-France Europe Senior policy advisor