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event28 November nest_clock_farsight_analog09:00am-09:50am pin_drop Hall #2 language Inglese/Italiano

Sustainable Destination: Does It Really Exist? Comparison of National and International Best Practices

There has been more and more talk about sustainable tourism, but can tourism really be sustainable?

What role do destinations have in this important challenge, and how can they attempt to have a positive impact on the world that hosts them and that welcomes travelers?

We will find out by exploring national territories with the Touring club but also international destinations that, in different ways, are experimenting with solutions towards more responsible tourism and reducing their negative impact.

For example, Costa Rica’s sustainability practices are evident in every region of the country. Malaga involves the local community in urban development strategies to mitigate overtourism and prevent the rejection of tourism a priori by attracting quality tourists and those who are respectful of the city.

Lugano, a destination for leisure and business tourism and a venue for international events and conferences, has developed a model in which the path to sustainability becomes a shared path among all the stakeholders in the tourism ecosystem.

Jonathan Gómez Punzon

Málaga Tourism Board CEO